§1 General
Cytooxien is a private network, and therefore a hobby or leisure project of the server operator. This means that everyone on the team voluntarily takes on their tasks and contributes to the server on a voluntary basis. Every team member also pursues their profession, studies, training, or school, which always takes precedence. It is also up to the team to decide what they develop, fix, or how often they provide support. Accordingly, no user has the right to demand that certain things must be done for them or completed within a certain period of time.
- The instructions of team members must be followed.
- Every player is subject to a reporting obligation. Observed rule violations by other players must be reported to the team. This also applies to any observed errors (bugs, or similar) in the game.
- A penalty is directed against the owner of an account, as well as against the rule breaker and the person causing or inciting the violation, and all users of the same device. Therefore, everyone is responsible for their account. Furthermore, motivating other players to break the server rules is prohibited.
- Reimbursement for losses caused by server-side errors is only possible if clear evidence is provided in the form of videos. Each player bears the risk of being cheated while trading, so reimbursement is not possible.
- The Cytooxien team reserves the virtual right of domicile.
§2 Prohibitions
- Exploiting bugs is prohibited. A discovered bug should be reported in the official Discord or directly to a member of staff. Videos of the reported issue should under no circumstances be distributed. If the bug is reported via a video, it should be uploaded as "Unlisted" on YouTube.
- Minecraft skins that contain offensive, provocative, objectionable, or national socialist content or allusions are prohibited.
- Circumventing a punishment with another account is prohibited and might result in a permanent punishment for all accounts.
- The use of offensive, national socialist, objectionable, or provocative names is prohibited.
- Explicitly prohibited are expressions/images that glorify violence, are discriminatory, inhumane, pornographic, or otherwise punishable. The same applies to links to pages with such content. This applies to all adjustable content (e.g., images, holograms, and villagers).
- The creation of so called AFK loops is not allowed. AFK farming is prohibited!
- Transferring money or items between different main servers or exchanging them for/for any goods, services, or other consideration outside of Cytooxien is prohibited!
- On each main server, each person may generally only use one and the same account to play.
- It is forbidden to be on the network with more than one account at the same time.
- Exploiting support through false reports, deliberately asking unnecessary questions, ignoring orders given by the staff, or similar is prohibited.
- Publishing private data (phone numbers, addresses, bank details, ...), regardless of their authenticity and affiliation, is prohibited.
- Changing the key assignment of Use and Attack is prohibited due to an official Minecraft bug.
- It is not allowed to play (mostly) exclusively for the progress of another person.
§3 Modifications
- All modifications that give the player an advantage over other players without this modification are prohibited. Entering the network with it alone is prohibited.
- The following modifications are excluded from this rule:
LabyMod (without the damage indicator and the minimap), Optifine, Litematica (visual functions only - the standard PickBlock function is also prohibited) and Replay Mod - Explicitly prohibited modifications include (but are not limited too):
Minimap, Freecam, Mousewheelie, any forms of X-Ray, Printer, and Damage Indicator
- The use of programs or functions that automate parts of the control or the entire game is prohibited. This includes autoclickers.
- We assume no liability for incorrectly developed modifications that send invalid packets (information), including emotes, to the server. Such modifications can lead to automatic bans.
- The use of World Downloader modifications is strictly prohibited. In particular, this prohibits downloading or otherwise copying Cytooxien maps. Furthermore, copying maps or structures that you did not build yourself by creating schematics is not permitted.
§4 Communication
- Communication between users should be polite and decent. Insults against other users, regardless of language or type, are prohibited and will be punished at the discretion of the team.
- Insults against team members will be punished more severely.
- Racist, insulting, discriminatory, objectionable, provocative statements towards other players are prohibited.
- Threats and sexual harassment of any kind are prohibited.
- Writing in caps (CONSTANT CAPITALIZATION) and spam (highlighting messages by writing them repeatedly) is prohibited. Causing spam (e.g.: "Write a number between 1 and 100") is also prohibited.
- Foreign/server advertising and posting server IPs in the chat are expressly prohibited, which will result in an automated punishment.
- Anyone who repeatedly disrupts the chat atmosphere or does not follow requests from staff must expect a penalty.
- Longer private conversations in public chat are prohibited. The local chat or the /msg command is intended for this purpose.
- Trade messages and announcements for auctions of any kind are only permitted in the trade and local chat as well as via /ad. Bids are made in the trade or local chat.
- All messages that are visible in a chat log (this includes the global, trade and local chat on the main servers and in the lobby as well as the global and team chat in the minigames) are considered messages in a public chat room, as they can be viewed by any player. They are therefore checked for illegal content in any way and rule violations will be punished.
- Sending misleading links in which the displayed or indicated link does not correspond to the actual link is prohibited.
- Due to the controversy, political and religious discussions and content are prohibited.
- Public advertising of gambling is not allowed.
§5 Skyblock
- The intentional destruction of other players' buildings (damage to property), as well as the looting of properties is prohibited.
- Respect the privacy of other players. If a player is on an island against the owner's wishes, use the /kick command or contact support.
- Player traps or structures designed to kill players are prohibited.
- The /ad command is to be used exactly when advertising islands, auctions, etc. Misuse of this command is prohibited.
- Cheating other players is strictly prohibited. Safe trading is done using the /trade command.
- Permanent begging for donations is prohibited.
- Setting items with offensive names, a name that advertises, or with an oversized price in the auction house is prohibited. Also, begging for donations in the auction house is undesirable. Furthermore, mystery boxes are not allowed.
- The official Redstone Guidelines must be observed and implemented for all larger farms and other Redstone constructions. Otherwise, the team will ask you to adapt what you have built and, in the worst case restrict access to the island.
- Public farms may only provide items that are produced by natural game mechanics and have not been influenced by players. Payment and the targeted request for users to load an island is prohibited.
- Advertising the same island is only allowed at intervals of at least 10 minutes.
§6 Reallife
- The intentional destruction of other players' buildings (damage to property), as well as the looting of properties is prohibited.
- Respect the privacy of other players. If a player is on an plot against the owner's wishes, use the /kick command or contact support.
- Player traps or structures designed to kill players are prohibited.
- The /ad command is to be used exactly when advertising plots, warps, auctions, etc. Misuse of this command is prohibited.
- Cheating other players is strictly prohibited. Safe trading is done using the /trade command.
- Misleading warp names (e.g. Adminshop, treasure chest etc.) are prohibited.
- Permanent begging for donations is prohibited.
- Targeted cooperation in the ghetto is prohibited.
- Mystery boxes of any kind are prohibited.
§7 Factions
- The intentional Elo and stats boosting is prohibited.
- Provocation in chat is permitted to an acceptable extent on Factions. Thus, rule § 5.3 is partially lifted.
- The sale of items under the guise of false functionalities is prohibited.
- Creating guilds with offensive, racist, discriminatory, or insulting guild names or tags is not allowed.
- Tactical lying and spying is explicitly permitted.
- Setting items with offensive names, a name that advertises, or with an oversized price in the auction house is prohibited. Also, begging for donations in the auction house is undesirable.
- Teaming between guilds/players is prohibited. Furthermore, this rule prohibits interfering in ongoing fights.
§8 City SMP
- The intentional destruction of other players' buildings (damage to property), as well as the looting of properties is prohibited.
- Player traps or structures designed to kill players are prohibited.
- The /ad command is to be used exactly when advertising plots, warps, auctions, etc. Misuse of this command is prohibited.
- Cheating other players is strictly prohibited. Safe trading is done using the /trade command.
- Permanent begging for donations is prohibited.
- Setting items with offensive names, a name that advertises, or with an oversized price in the auction house is prohibited. Also, begging for donations in the auction house is undesirable. Furthermore, mystery boxes are not allowed.
- Misleading warp names (e.g. Adminshop, treasure chest etc.) are prohibited.
- Disfiguring cities with buildings that are not adapted to the cityscape is prohibited.
§9 Minigames
- Not tactically delaying a game is not allowed. This includes, for example, aimless building up as well as prolonged spawn trapping. Furthermore, deliberately sabotaging or disturbing your own team is prohibited.
- Unauthorized teaming is prohibited. It is visible in the game on which servers teams are allowed or prohibited.
- It is not allowed to reveal the nickname of a player by writing the real name of the nicked player in the chat or making other allusions.